The Muzzle Puzzle:
Putting the Pieces Together with Enthusiasm

A 4-week online class for dogs and their people.

Live classes will take place weekly via Zoom.

When: Thursdays from 12p-1:15pm Eastern; four weeks starting February 1st.

Pricing: There are 4 working spots at $350 per participant. Auditor spots are available at $219 per participant.

We offer a limited number of spots with low-cost options, as well as payment plans, and one free spot for a BIPOC participant. Please contact us if you are interested in one of those spots.

What are we teaching?

This course is designed to help your dog wear a muzzle comfortably and happily! We use a systematic approach to meet you where you are and build on the skills your dog already has, working towards having them perk up when they see the muzzle, opt in to putting it on, and wear it comfortably for increasing amounts of time. We’ll find your dog’s success points and next steps and go from there!

What does this class look like?

We will meet live via Zoom for 60 minutes each week. Each week in class, each team will take a turn being “spot lighted” and will receive individualized coaching and feedback, progressing with the muzzle from wherever they are starting. Some students may be starting from the very beginning, having never used a muzzle before; others may be looking to improve technique, duration, or comfort. Wherever you are is the right place to be - we’ll build from there!

We welcome auditors to join us! Auditors will attend live classes with their cameras and microphones off and will benefit from hearing explanations, watching other teams work, and having a set time each week to work with their dogs.

What past participants are saying

This class was perfect for anyone looking for a custom coaching experience but with the comradery of a group setting! Being able to go at your individual dog’s pace while also watching other students’ progress was a great way to see the nuances of what muzzle training can be. I really enjoyed how everyone was able to work toward their individual goals while still watching and learning from what the other students were doing! - Andrea & Maeby

I really appreciated how Ran took the time to learn about each of our dog's individual needs and preferences and customized their training guidance accordingly. I now have lots of great ideas for how to move my training forward and I'm feeling energized about working on muzzle stuff again! -Lyz & Molly

This class accelerated my muzzle work with my dog tremendously! Ran worked with each of the teams to individualize our approaches with our dog, depending on where we were at the start and what our dogs were comfortable with. We were each supported in our efforts to listen to our dogs and were given a range of creative strategies to build towards muzzle use - all with fun, bonding and engagement with our dogs at the heart! - Julie & Maizie