Nailed It!
Happier Nail Maintenance with Scratchboards

A 4-week online class for dogs and their people

When: Thursdays in July & August 2:00 - 3:00pm ET

Dates: 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, & 8/17

Where: Remotely via Zoom

Cost: There are 3 working spots at $280 per participant. Auditor spots are available at $196 per participant.

We offer a limited number of spots with low-cost options, as well as payment plans, and one free spot for a BIPOC participant. Please
contact us if you are interested in one of those spots.

Why use a scratchboard?

Imagine preparing your nail equipment and having your dog come running, tail wagging, eager to participate. Using a scratchboard can transform nail care from something that you dread and your dog avoids to something that you both look forward to - easy, fun, and effective.

Whether your dog has mastered their front paws or you haven’t even started yet, this live, online class meets you and your dog where you are and gets you moving towards more comfortable, joyful nail care. Each week, dog and guardian teams meet remotely and take turns being spotlighted and provided with individualized coaching and next steps.

What does this class look like?

We will meet live via Zoom for 75 minutes each week. Each week in class, each team will take a turn being “spot lighted” and will receive individualized coaching and feedback, progressing with the scratchboard from wherever they are starting. Some students may be starting from scratch (ha!), having never used a scratchboard before; others may be looking to improve technique or add hind end scratching. Wherever you are is the right place to be - we’ll build from there!

The fourth week will be individual meetings only for working spot students. Students will sign up for a 15-minute slot within the regular meeting time for individual check ins with Ran. All other meetings will be group meetings.

We welcome auditors to join us! Auditors will attend live classes with their cameras and microphones off and will benefit from hearing explanations, watching other teams work, and having a set time each week to work with their dogs.