Kerby the herding dog: In which we meet some stock
Herding Ran Courant-Morgan Herding Ran Courant-Morgan

Kerby the herding dog: In which we meet some stock

For our first outing, I wasn’t concerned with what kind of stock Kerby would meet. I just wanted to get a sense of how he would behave around farm animals in general. Would he bark his head off? Would he cower behind me? Kerby was born and spent his early weeks on a farm, but to my knowledge didn’t have any interaction with farm animals. I hadn’t seen any stress responses in the face of deer on hikes in the woods, but at the same time he also barked and hid when confronted by my friend’s small turtle. I didn’t have a good prediction for how he would respond to stock.

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Kerby the Herding Dog?
Ran Courant-Morgan Ran Courant-Morgan

Kerby the Herding Dog?

As a researcher, the task in front of me was clear if not easy: Learn everything I can about herding, find mentors and colleagues, and then do my best to teach and learn with Kerby. 

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