DBI Services for
Brown Dog Coalition Adopters & Fosters
Monthly Office Hours
At The Dog Behavior Institute, we love helping to support Brown Dog Coalition adopters and fosters! To that end, if you’re having a challenge with your pup or you’d just like some general information about dog behavior and training, we invite you to join us for our monthly office hours!
When: Office hours take place virtually on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 1:30 - 2:30pm. There are four, 15-minute slots available each month.
How does it work? You can click the button below to sign up for a 15-minute office hours appointment. On the sign-up form you can tell us a little bit about your dog and what you’d like to discuss. When it’s your appointment time, you’ll click on the Zoom link provided on the sign-up form and join office hours. During your appointment we’ll ask questions, give some general guidance, and point you in the direction of resources that can help. Because we haven’t met your dog, we won’t be able to give specific recommendations but we can get you started!
Even if you don’t have a dog or a specific issue that you need help with, if you volunteer with Brown Dog or have adopted or fostered with them you are welcome to join us and listen in for any or all of the appointments.
How many appointments can I make? Though you’ll just sign up for one time slot on any given month, we would love for you to come back again with updates or more questions in subsequent months!
Discounted Behavior & Training Consultation
Can’t make it to office hours, or have a challenge or training question that needs more time and support? We offer an exclusive consultation option and discounts for BDC adopters and fosters!
Initial Consultation: We’ll meet together remotely via Zoom for 60 minutes to learn more about you and your dog, any challenges that have been coming up, and your goals. We’ll make some first-step recommendations and direct you to additional resources or programs.
Investment: $75 (discounted 70% from our standard hourly rate)
Ongoing Behavior & Training Support: After completing an initial consultation, you are eligible for a 10% discount when you sign up for any of our additional services.