The Dog Behavior Institute Blog

Interview with Lynn Ungar on Dogs, Writing, and Ministry
Ran here! I first heard of Lynn Ungar when her poem, Pandemic, went viral in 2020. Shortly after that, her name popped up in a Clicker Expo chat. I was like, “Is that the person who wrote the poem?” and I looked her up - just to discover that, on top of being a dog person who wrote beautiful poetry, Lynn is also a Unitarian Universalist minister (I am a lifelong UU!). Given how many overlapping interests we have, I reached out to see if she would be interested in speaking with me about dogs, writing, and ministry - and thank goodness she was! Keep reading below to learn more about Lynn, dancing dogs, the intersection of ministry and behavior change, and more.

Book Review: Pit Bull: The battle over an American icon by Bronwen Dickey
I cannot imagine a more thorough and thoughtful book on literally any topic than this one. Dickey provides a comprehensive history of pit bulls (and quickly dispels the myth that pit bull is a particular dog breed), giving consideration equally to the people who love them, and the people who fear them. If you’re going to read one dog-related book this year, Pit Bull should be it!