The Dog Behavior Institute Blog

Comfy Car Crating: A resource roundup
Here at DBI, we are preparing for our summer workshop at the Canine Center at Hessian Hill in upstate New York. During this workshop, many dogs will be spending time in the car while they wait for other dogs to finish their turns or while we’re doing human-only exercises. Some people are already familiar with how to do this safely and comfortably, but car crating is brand new for other people (including us!). Here are some resources and tips we have gathered from a range of sources about safe and comfortable car crating.

Interview with Kim Palermo on Dog Sports & Control Unleashed
This month I am so happy to introduce you to Kimberly Palermo, of Blue Dog, a dog walking and training company based here in Massachusetts. I (Stephanie) first learned about Kim’s work when attending Conference Unleashed, a conference about all things Control Unleashed (CU). Kim gave an incredible presentation about using CU exercises in dog training group classes. Imagine my delight when I learned that Blue Dog wasn’t too far from where I live. I started taking Kerby to classes at Blue Dog and was delighted with all the approach and all the instructors we worked with there. Later on, Kim and I discovered we both were interested in teaching our dogs to herd and soon we and our dogs became good friends!

What even is Control Unleashed?
Most of the Control Unleashed activities are very easy both for dog and human ends of the leash, making them easy to learn and apply in all types of environments. The use of predictable, reliable patterns is a hallmark of this program. For me and my clients this is one of the most impactful sets of exercises I have used to tackle confidence-building.

Puppies Unleashed!
Last week we introduced some great books that can help guide you in the early days of life with your new puppy or dog. One of the books we recommended was Control Unleashed: The Puppy Program. This week we’ll be talking more about why Control Unleashed is such a great foundational framework for puppies (or your new dog!).